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Private tutoring


The fee for private tutoring of individuals is R650 per hour, when meeting. There is no cost for the initial meeting, when the tutoring objectives are established. All email correspondence, pertaining to tutoring content, in between meetings is included in this fee.


Private tutoring can be done at Robinson’s home, at the client’s home, at the client’s work place or at a chosen public space, like a restaurant or café (costs are the client’s, of course).




Fees for workshops are costed depending on the exact needs. The fees will be a function of the material that must be created for the workshops, the duration of the workshop and the amount of attendees. Workshops will range from R3000 to R5000 per day. Workshops for schools might be less than this, depending on the school.




Lectures will be charged at R1000 for an hour.




Writing fees will depend on what is asked for.


For the ongoing management and writing of content for and visual design for social media sites the fee is R150 an hour. Once off copy for websites or other electronic media are charged at R300 per hour. The initial meeting for the briefing is charged at R500. More critical writing for newspapers, or journals and so on is also charged R4 per word. Love letters are charged at R217 per letter and Hate letters at R352.13 per letter, depending on the intensity of the love or hate expressed. These amounts are not arbitrary; the intensity will be measured. 


Travel and accommodation costs will only be charged if it is required to travel to, and stay in, places outside of Durban and the immediate surrounds. This she is happy to do. 


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